Monday, October 31, 2011

Trick or Treating Practice

Last night, I read an amazing idea that I wanted to share with you.

As adults, I think all of us have experienced those kids who come to the door, don't even say 'trick or treat', take the candy, and leave.  No thank-you, no acknowledgement, nothing.  I find it incredibly rude and will not allow that kind of exchange to happen with my kids.

So, what am I going to do about it?

Tonight, during that lull between school/naps and dinner/trick-or-treating, we are going to practice!  Especially, my little shy guy needs to know that you don't just walk up to the door, grab candy, and walk away.  We look our neighbors in the eye (or at least in that direction), say or scream "Trick-or-Treat", get candy, say thank you, and run to the next house!

By no means is this some serious make it or break it matter, I just want to make sure my kids are prepared.  I don't want to be correcting them tonight because I didn't teach them from the start.  What better way to teach them, and get them excited, than to PRACTICE!

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